Design Manager
As a design manager for teams working on the ecosystem of GoToWebinar/GoToStage experiences we developed a new player to deliver simulated live webinars and proposed a new browser experience including chat, documents, polls. We also built and launched transcript and video editing cababilities within the webinar dashboard including video-to-slides technology. I also collaborated on the original Chameleon design system and online design guide. When I came on board the team was engaged in a re-dedsign of the GoToWebinar out-of-session dashboard and 7 months later it successfully launched, dramatically changing the user experience for planning and managing events.
Team: Vicky Prazdnik, Chris Short, Hilary Dwyer, Angie Wang, Deise Ramirez, Laura Silva, Marcus Cai, Xiling Weng

GoTo Content Platform
As a communication and collaboration platform we wanted to create an experience that brought together all meeting and event artifacts into one location where the user could view, edit and share their content. I collaborated with product managers and researchers to understand how we should structure the experience and what artifacts are most important to our customers. We utilized customer interviews, co-design sessions and OOUX [object oriented UX]. Part of my devliverables were to imagine the 'future state' of this all in one experience to help understand what it might look like and get reactions from customers and internal partners.
Role: Design and content strategy with visual design concepts
Team: Kaden Rushford, Bradley Thomason, Ryan Meuse, Britney LeBaron, Jon Cho
The Challenge
Based on user research and industry trends towards a UCC solution, create a platform experience where all content generated by customer's in-session meetings and events including associated content, transcripts, videos, documents and files.
We delivered a proposed solution that is actionable including future design concepts as a starting point for deeper UX exploration and understanding.
I collaborated with Product Managers to translate their ideas into a coherent story and strategy for stakeholders incorporating UX perspectives and considerations. As designer I imagined what a unified platform experience would look and how it would function.

Platform Research and Foundational Workshop
Working with our UX researchers we looked at the data from the GoToMeeting transcripts page to inform our re-imagining of the experience. I also did video content research along with a UX researcher to understand how users search for and engage with video content on learning platforms.
We brought together the entire UX team for an intensive 3 day workshop to explore a unified platform experience that would contain all of the user's content in one location and allow them to share it and tie it to their daily schedules. Integrations became an important part of the solution to keep from reiventing applications that people already use and depend on.

Research and Strategy
I worked extensively with our lead product managers to understand all of the platform and architecture concerns and plans to provide the services to deliver such a rich experience. I translated their dense information into clear streamlined presentations that were presented to stakeholders. We developed personas and use cases in parallel with several research initiatives and surveys to understand what jobs our users needed to get done. I adopted object oriented UX methods to analyze all of the content objects so we could do a better job or prioritizing what people would interact with and how they will grasp the dashboard experience. We also conducted a series of co-design sessions with customers to understand how they would use a page with transcripts, video and the ability to edit and share everything.

Concepts for Viewing, Editing and Sharing
I did some concept work around the idea of a future ideal state taking our customers from a customizable home page to comprehensive content searches to being able to view, edit and share their meeting and event content. I integrated the ideas of how people are used to interacting with content such as browsing and watching their favorite shows and movies on Netflix, Amazon etc.

Webinar Ecosystem and Event Editing
I worked with designers Xiling Weng, Deise Ramirez and Laura Silva on re-designing the video sharing, editing and management experience. We worked closely with the PM's and research to create a simple way for users to do a quick edit of their videos, whether just chopping the ends or cutting out sections. In conjunction with this we built a way to edit the transcripts so after events the organizers can quickly get their finished content out to their audiences on their custom channel pages and shared on social media.
Our process included user testing for the video editor comparing feedback from a/b testing scenarios. The video editor incorporated and out of box audio wave tool that we worked closely to modify and integrate with the engineering team.

Working with designers Laura Silva and Deise Ramirez and researchers we improved expanded the GoToStage platform including a better registration flow, search and navigation along with additional pages to provide more in depth info for attendees and organizers.
I also engaged with our research team on studying how users search for and interact with video content through extensive customer interviews and walk-throughs with their favorite online platforms. This was part of an overall vision for future platform development and integration for
the GoToSuite.

Chameleon Design System
When I joined LogMeIn I had the opportunity to work with the team designing and building a new version of GoToWebinar's dashboard which included the development of a design system. Version 1 was specifically for that product and the components were built accordingly. I contributed to the design of the online style guide and various components. V2 has been built from the ground up with the goal to be used across the GoTo product family. A React based component system that will work within various web properties. The system is still being built and tested with parts already being implemented into new versions of the products. I led the initial phase of translating Chameleon into the new version and worked with designers and our UX engineer to adapt and change elements according to new directions for the products. I contributed to the style guide and general brand feel and direction which is still to be implemented fully.
Role: Design Direction/Management
Team: Emma Bostian, Thomas Vallez, Felix Lapointe, Wendy Fox
V1: Vicky Prazdnik, Chris Short, Laura Silva
The Challenge
To take our original Chameleon system built for GoToWebinar and GoToStage and completely rebuild it to work across the GoTo suite of products and platforms. Establish an online resource/guide for designers, developers and product managers to use.
V1 was implemented and continued to be expanded on. V2 is in progress, basic elements, typography and color were completed and a working tyle guide launched along with accessibility standards implemented..
I led the team for V2 and maintained regular conversations between product groups and worked closely with our UX engineer in building out the component library.
The entire design team collaborated and contributed to the design system while it was being built out and implemented into the new dashboard design for GoToWebinar. I also contributed to the design of the style guide website, establishing a system for layout and typography.

With the directive to make Chameleon work across products and platforms towards a unified experience we began to rebuild the system. We formed a core team to update the designs and build new components. I led this design effort across different product design teams and we tackled challenges including a new color palette and overall accesibility considerations.